Esri Interntaionl Developer Summit in Palm Springs, CA

Summaries From The Esri Interntaionl Developer Summit DevSummit. Esri Interntaionl Developer Summit in Palm Springs, CA this week kicked off very strong with an excellent, thought-provoking, and humorous presentation.

GISi was fortunate to send 10 our of employees to the Esri Interntaionl Developer Summit in Palm Springs, CA this week and they produced a recap each day of the sessions and plenary they attended. Each recap is broken down from Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 with highlights and then a more in depth write up from each developer. In total GISi produced over 17,000 words recapping three days from the conference!

The content is well written and very in depth with a wide range of topics. I have read over a few of the daily recaps and put together some highlights below.

The Anatomy of a Design Decision

The second day at the Esri Developer Summit kicked off very strong with an excellent, thought-provoking, and humorous presentation on “The Anatomy of a Design Decision” by keynote speaker Jared Spool. The question of how design decisions are made is an important one and was the focus of the presentation. There are no non-decisions we learned, just a spectrum of five design decision styles. Jared introduced us to new terminology specially crafted to explain these five styles of design decisions and when each “works great”.
Read more from Ryan on the keynote from Jared Spool